Slumber Party

by Michael Egenolf


An evening full of fun and games and laughs and cries of joy,

Sleeping bags and pillow fights and lots and lots of noise.

An evening that was perfectly planned with not a thing forgotten,

little girl fears are comforted by watchman made of cotton.

You’re feeling calm and having fun and playing with your toys,

but something still is missing – YOU FORGOT THE BOYS.


Bewitching hour is near at hand, emptiness fills the room,

Lights burn out and darkness falls – screams pierce the gloom.

Your blood runs cold your heart just stops – silence in the night.

You wait to hear the footsteps that justifies your fright.

Suddenly the door burst wide and back on comes the light,

but relax little girls its only Lisa’s mom coming to say goodnight.


Sweet Dreams… if you dare!

 (written for my friend Lisa in 1984)

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