A Snowflake Falls

A snowflake falls

Steam dances on outstretched tongue

Eyes alight, they blaze with love

Starshine smiles from up above


Tongue and snowflake become as one

A swallow seals the deal as done

Rosy cheeks break out in grin

A glimpse of youth again begins



Close your eyes and dream with me

Of a place where song will set you free

close your eyes and sing with me

of a place where dreams can make believe

a snowflake falls




No school bell rings, no class today

The winter savior saved the day

The heavens smile as children play

Angels in the snow along the way


No need to shovel till your ears, they ring

Just so the plow can pack you in till spring

Or draw your hood against the biting breeze

Or kick yourself cause there’s no antifreeze


Close your eyes let your mind unwind

Take you to a better time

Where children’s laughs are worry free

That’s the place I long to be

A snowflake falls


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