My wife got herself into one of those Facebook ping pong matches where the posts go back and forth with several people weighing in. A question was posed: “If a celebrity had a fragrance that you really liked but hated the celebrity, would you still wear it?” A fair enough question. I would answer that question with a question… If you hated the celebrity enough to warrant not wearing their fragrance, why would you try it in the first place? But I digress from the fun part of the conversation.
My wife, in her inimitable spirit and sense of humor went on to name a few celebrity fragrances of her own…
Entitlement – by Paris Hilton
Rage – by Mel Gibson
Sarah Palin’s Self Righteous
With the economy in shambles and Americans spending less of their hard-earned dollar on entertainment, these hard-hit celebrities are searching for new avenues of income to help keep their multiple homes, fleets of cars, and illegal alien domestic servants viable. I want to try to help the cause. These are my suggestions for celebrity fragrances because after all, If you gotta stink, stink in style.
Tom Cruise’s Testoster One
Megalomaniac – by Charlie Sheen
Jennifer Aniston’s Pitt Stop
Dweeber – by Justin Beiber
Enough – of the Kardashian Sisters
Swine by Snookie
Liar by Casey Anthony
Katy Perry’s Jilted
Lindsay Lohan’s Rehab
Apparently Lindsay Lohan’s fragrance also comes in a powder form.
Ah… the sweet smell of ca-ching!