Hello world!

Sometimes you shout out to the universe to get what you want. Sometimes, however, the universe shouts back.

A few months back my wife and I were having a conversation about writing when she said, “why don’t you start a blog?”  Huh.  Simple. Could be fun. Could be enlightening. Could be catharctic. Could be hell. Well, I guess I’m going to find out.

So about this “universe shouting back” stufff… here’s what happened.  I’m all about shouting at the universe and letting it know what I want. Faith takes many forms, whatever works for you, right? So I told the universe what I wanted to do. And then I set about doing it. The universe, uncomfortable with this drastic new direction, immediately set about roadblocks.

I knew nothing about starting a blog. I knew what a blog was, so I guess I was a little ahead of most people who started one. And I am never short of ideas. I quickly came up with the plethora of blog subjects that you see in the menu above, but had no idea how to actually start one.

I read an excellent article on starting a blog that was loaded with tips and suggestions. I registered domain names at Namecheap and purchased webhosting from hostgator.  For anyone out there looking to start blogging, these two options are highly recommended. Search the internet for current coupons to save even more $$$.

So I had my domains and had my server space. I tried to find my website and nothing came up. Over the next hour or so I tried several approaches, all with no luck.      Apparently, since I purchased domains at one place and webhosting at another, it would take 48-72 hours to port my domains over to the hosting site. Sigh. This would not be my last “patience” lesson the universe wanted to teach me. It was just getting started.

So I was back at it a few days later. I was sitting in my comfy chair, laptop in lap, focused and ready to get down to some serious blogging. LaColombe decaf piping hot at the ready, inspiration come my way. Only the inspiration came in the form of my very solid       almost-four-year-old son Ian. He plowed into the chair to hug daddy and the force of the blow could have shattered windows. Instead of windows, it shattered the tranquility of the night as eight ounces of piping hot coffee hit my chest and settled in a pool on my laptop keyboard. Game over.

The sting of a dead computer hurt worse than the sting of hot coffee. I was upset but thankful that somehow not a drop of hot coffee seemed to have touched my son. So while my wife was putting Ian to bed I was scrambling for hope by sticking my laptop in a tray covered with rice. Oh well, desperate times call for desperate… whatever the heck is available.     Fortunately, the computer didn’t fry. The monitor still worked, there was still power. The keyboard however, was toast. So here I am, almost two weeks later, new keyboard installed, blogging my little heart out. I’ve had software roadblocks the last few days but each day is a learning experience and each day I get a little bit better at this. I can’t wait to see what the universe has in store for me next.

So the format for this blog will be a little bit of a mixed bag of me, until it all gets sorted and takes on a shape of its own. I am passionate about writing, music, hockey, and my family (not in that order) and will be doing a little bit of writing about all of it. I’ve had a pretty interesting life so far; been in two movies, been on tv, had a record deal in the early 90’s, have met literally dozens of celebrities, have published some fiction and have written two screenplays (neither sold but came close).  I will publish stories and articles I have written, talk about life experiences and the joy of a wonderful family and being a Dad. I will probably also gripe about stuff that bugs me (bugblogz.com) from time to time. I invite comments and will even have a guest blogger now and again.

So thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoy. I hope to see you again soon.





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